Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Activity #10 Mediums and Techniques

In 1520/1525 Quentin Massys created “Ill-Matched Lovers” using Oil on Canvas. Benjamin West used Oil as well, only his was on panel. Oil painting came about in the 15th century. Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments that are bound with a medium of drying oil, typically linseed oil. Oil paint dries very slowly, which allows the painter to blend colors by layering. The rich and vibrant of the oil paint helped these artists create unique and appealing paintings.
Both artists created their painting using layering. Massy used layering to create realistic characters. The complexion’s have multiple colors much like reality. He may have employed glazes. Glazes are thin and translucent veils of color applied over the thicker under painting (175). Similarly West uses layering in his painting to give it a realistic appeal. The clouds are painted with a range of beige, orange , and white that is thickly painted using Impasto technique. Impasto is a technique when paint is thickly layered on canvas (175). Even though both painting create different images, the artists employed the same mediums of using layering and brush strokes. Through layering both artists create harmonious and realistic paintings.
Although both artists do employ layering, a difference in technique is used due to one being on canvas and the other on panel. Massys most likely utilized the traditional Canvas which is made of linen and coated with animal glue prior to painting. In contrast West used panel which would have to be prepared with gesso. Gesso is a mixture of white pigment and glue that sealed the wood and could be sanded and rubbed to a smooth, ivory like finish (172).
There are difference and similarities in the mediums used by both painters. But, it stands that the paintings are unique and individual masterpieces.


Anne Brew said...

HI, Renee,

It is clear from this essay that the focus is on making a connection between medium and technique and the work.

This essay is informative.

Anne Brew said...

HI, Renee,

One point the essay brings out, but neglects to follow up on is the impasto, or rather the use of the impasto technique by West and the hidden brush strokes by Massy.

Not only does the subject of West's piece give is a more dynamic appearance, but the way the paint is applied makes the difference.

Notice how solid and stable Massy's works appears. It is because of the way the paint is applied.
